Tips for How to Read More Books

I am what you might call an avid reader. I tend to read into the 100’s of books per year. This year in particular, I have set myself an extra challenge of reading 150 books in a year (the most I have ever gotten has been 132). I am currently at 92 books for the year…and it is only July. 🤯

So many people ask me how in the world I am able to read so much (seeing as I have a job and a toddler). If you are looking for tips on how to read more often, then this is the list for you. It doesn’t have to be into the 100s, it could be one book a month. Either way, I am here to tell you how you can get more reading into your life.

Continue reading “Tips for How to Read More Books”

Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2021

This month I read a total of 12 books! I was a bit distracted by video games this month, so my number isn’t as high as my previous months. It is still a lot though, so I am satisfied 🙂

While I am aiming for 150 books this year, I am also aiming to diversify my reading. I am trying to break into genres I don’t typically gravitate toward. I am hoping to read more non-fiction and classics. And, as always, I am taking part in several reading challenges.

Let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2021”

Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2021

Hello everyone! It’s the beginning of a new year, and so I have new goals! This month, I have read 15 books!! That is crazy, even for me, but it is the pace I actually intend to keep up. I have set myself with a goal of reading 150 books this year. I have met and exceeded my goal of 100 for a few years now, so I thought aiming for 150 would be an actual challenge for me.

While I am aiming for 150, I am also aiming to diversify my reading. I am trying to break into genres I don’t typically gravitate toward. I am hoping to read more non-fiction and classics. And, as always, I am taking part in several reading challenges.

Let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2021”

Yearly Wrap-Up: 2020

I think we can all say that 2020 was a very strange and eventful year, even with us quarantining for a vast majority of it. I started grad school for library science this year, though I actually withdrew from my grad school program a few months later (because it was focusing on school librarianship, and I want to pursue public librarianship). I recently started a job as a library page at a branch of our local public library, and I am really enjoying it! We also moved unexpectedly this year! We moved back to Texas, which is where I grew up, so that we could be closer to my family. My daughter started in-person pre-school this year. It has been a hard year for everyone, but it has still had some great moments for me! And, I read WAY more books than I anticipated!!

Continue reading “Yearly Wrap-Up: 2020”

Monthly Wrap-Up: November 2020

Hello everyone! This month, I read a total of 5 books! My monthly total has been down the past few months, but I am way ahead of my yearly goal, so I’m trying not to be too anxious about it haha

I’m going to try to do things slightly differently this year. I am going to keep y’all updated on how my various book challenges are going in each of my monthly wrap-ups.

Let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Monthly Wrap-Up: November 2020”

Monthly Wrap-Up: September and October 2020

Hello everyone! My life was kind of crazy the past two months, and I apologize for being gone for so long. Things have finally settled down for me a bit, so hopefully I will be updating the blog on a more regular basis now. I am going to do a combination wrap-up post for both September and October, especially since I only read three books in October.

I read a total of 8 books in September and 3 books in October. I will talk more about why my count was so low in October in my Getting Personal section below.

I’m going to try to do things slightly differently this year. I am going to keep y’all updated on how my various book challenges are going in each of my monthly wrap-ups.

Let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Monthly Wrap-Up: September and October 2020”