The A to Z Book Tag

I love to talk about books (obviously, since I started a book blog!), and learning about other people’s book preferences. I found this tag through Tomes with Tea and Bookish in Bed and thought that this would be a really fun tag to try! So, here we go with the A to Z Book Tag!


A – Author you’ve read the most books from?

I have read 13 books by Tasha Alexander! I absolutely love the Lady Emily mystery series that she writes. It is about Lady Emily, a high-born lady in Victorian society who travels the world with her husband and solves murders. She is spunky, and I love her 🙂

B – Best sequel ever?

This is hard to choose just one. But the first one that comes to mind would be the sequel to Titanic: The Long Night by Diane Hoh, which is Remembering the Titanic by Diane Hoh. I am a sucker for all things Titanic, but the sequel just follows the characters from the first book in their lives post-Titanic and I still loved it!

C – Currently reading?

I am currently reading The Cruel Prince by Holly Black!

D – Drink of choice while reading?

Definitely tea! Or maybe hot chocolate 🙂

E – E-reader or physical books?

I like a mix of both. I do love physical books – I love the feel of them. I also love to have the physical copy of books that I love and want to keep. I also like e-books for travel purposes, as well as for books that I want to read and take with me but are too large to stick in my purse (I’m looking at you Outlander!). Also, books that I don’t see myself wanting to re-read, I tend to get as an e-book.

F – Fictional character you would have dated in high school?

Ooh…that is a hard question! I like the idea of maybe dating Neville Longbottom or Harry Potter. I also like the thought of dating Teraj from Winter of Fire, or Noah Shaw from the Mara Dyer series.

G – Glad you gave this book a chance

I have been talking about this book a lot on Instagram lately, but I would have to say The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas! I put off reading it for a long time, but I am so glad I finally picked it up last month. (review coming soon)

H – Hidden gem book

I am a big fan of Kelly Oram, and one of the best books I have read by her was Joni, Underway. It was very emotional, and was such a great coming-of-age story. Here is the Goodreads synopsis:

Nineteen year old Joni Monday is loving life as an adult—living on her own, dealing with grown-up things like jobs, hook-ups, and doing her own laundry. Best of all: after finishing her first year at ASU, she will never again be called a freshman.

But when her brother is suddenly killed in a car accident, Joni’s adult life is turned upside down. Struggling to cope with loss, guilt, and anger—not to mention the meddling of friends and family trying to “fix” her—Joni is relieved to be presented with an escape in the form of a sailing trip her brother had been planning for months before he died.

With her first step onto the sailing vessel Lady Marguerite, Joni plunges into an adventure that will mark the beginning of her real adult life—a journey across the ominous dark blue of the Atlantic Ocean with a small, eccentric crew, and the young Captain Reid, whose gorgeous looks are only outmatched by his talent for care and kindness. Unfolding through the ups and downs of life at sea is an unforgettable story reminding us that love will always be a work-in-progress and coming of age never gets old.

I – Important moment in your reading life

There are a lot of important moments. I guess one of them would be when I discovered Jane Austen in high school. It opened up a whole new world to me, and was a gateway to other authors that I discovered afterwards as well, like the Bronte sisters.

J – Just finished reading…

I just finished reading Goodnight Punpun Vol. 1 by Inio Asano. I read this for the book club I am in. It is the first manga that I have ever read, and it was definitely interesting.

K – Kinds of books you won’t read

I can’t do horror – not in book or movie form. I’m also not really a fan of sci-fi books that are based in space, with no romantic subtext.

L – Longest book you’ve read?

Probably Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. At 850 pages, it is a beast! That is why I read it in e-book form 😉

M – Major book hangover because of…

I had a major book hangover after I binge-read the Selection series by Kiera Cass! I read them all within a four or five day time frame and I was a bit shell shocked afterwards haha

N – Number of book cases you own?

Ooh, in total I own 7 bookcases! Those are a combination of mine and my husband’s books – so I’m not sure how many of those would be filled with just mine.

O – One book you’ve read multiple times

Just one?! I’ll go with Persuasion by Jane Austen. One of my favorites for sure!

P – Preferred place to read?

I like to read in bed, but also in my office 🙂

Q – Quote that inspires you / gives you “the feels”

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading.” – Jane Austen

R – Reading regret?

A few years ago, I decided that if I didn’t like a book, I shouldn’t try too hard to finish it. There are too many good books out there to struggle through one that I don’t like. So, my reading regret is wasting time finishing books that I hated, when I could have been reading one I really liked!

S – Series you started, but need to finish?

The Outlander series for sure. I also need to finish the Lady Emily series by Tasha Alexander and the Mara Dyer series by Michelle Hodkin.

T – Three of your all-time favorite books

  1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  2. The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan
  3. Winter of Fire by Sherryl Jordan

U – Unapologetic fangirl for…

Harry Potter!! I love, love, love Harry Potter. Also…Jane Austen!!! I have read all of her novels, and I even went to the Jane Austen museum in Bath last year. I love her so much!

V – Very excited for this release more than any others

I’m super excited for Angie Thomas’ new book, On The Come Up! It comes out in June 2018.

W – Worst habit?

Definitely buying books, not reading them, and then buying more books! I need to get to where I am reading the majority of my TBR books before buying new ones.

X – X Marks the Spot: the 27th book on your shelf

The 27th book on my shelf is Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. It’s actually an old copy of my husbands.

Y – Your latest book purchase?

I just bought the audio book of Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell on Audible. I have recently discovered the amazingness that is Rainbow Rowell, and I have been gobbling up her books!

Z – Zzz snatcher

I know this will be a fairly unpopular opinion, but I really didn’t like The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. I really wanted to like it, but I just found it super boring and I never wanted to pick it up.


This was such a fun tag! What would your answers be? Have you read any of the books I mentioned? Do you have thoughts about any of my answers? Let me know in the comments!

Love and happy reading,


17 thoughts on “The A to Z Book Tag

  1. psanchez820

    Yay! Harry Potter! 😄😄😄
    I really want to read Jane Austen! It’s so crazy that I haven’t read any of her books yet! 😅 Which one would you recommend I start with?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Harry Potter is the best! Which house are you in? I’m a proud Hufflepuff 😉

      And yay, I’m so happy you want to pick up Jane Austen! She’s my fave! As for which one to start with, I would probably suggest Pride and Prejudice, simply because it is so accessible. But my other favorite is Persuasion. Really, you could pick up any of her novels and be perfectly satisfied!!


  2. Interesting answers! You have 7 bookcases??!! Wow! 😀
    I also have a problem of buying books and then casting them aside so I can buy new ones. It’s so hard not to do this though 😛

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s so hard not to buy books faster than you can read them!! … And I have to admit that I have 7 bookcases all to myself. Although only 5 live with me, and 2 shelves on one of them are display shelves, not for books. But hey, at least there are no stacks of books on the floor!! (anymore).

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: The Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag – Bookgraphy

  4. Oh I love your answers. The series by Tasha Alexander sounds like an adult version of Stalking Jack the Ripper series. It sounds like fun. I also really need to start reading the Outlander series. I’ve watched the show and really enjoyed it. I just am a little scared to tackle it on cause the books are so big.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yeah I really enjoy it because I’m super into Jack the Ripper. The second book is even better than the first one. I need to read the books. I’m just afraid because of how big they are. I know they go into so much more detail though. I will get to them at some point.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: 8 Book Series That I Love – Whit Reads Lit

  6. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award – Whit Reads Lit

  7. Pingback: The A to Z Book Tag! – Amy's Book Reviews

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