8 Book Series That I Love


8 Book Series That I Love

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that it’s hard not to love a good series. There is such a great feeling of getting done with a wonderful book and knowing that you don’t have to say goodbye to these characters and this world yet, because there is another book to follow it! I know I love when people give me recommendations, so I thought I would share my 8 favorite book series with you!


Harry Potter Series

7 books (as well as companion volumes) ~ Children’s, Fantasy ~ written by J.K. Rowling

First on any list of favorite series will always be Harry Potter! I have loved this series since the beginning. I identify with so many of the characters, and I love getting immersed in the fantastic world that J.K. Rowling created. I would talk about what happens in this series…but I’m pretty sure everyone knows haha. I will just leave you with this: Hufflepuffs Unite! If you love fantasy, magic and adventure, as well as beautiful friendships, what are you waiting for?! 

Here is a list of the books in this series:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Image via The Book Addict’s Guide blog

The Mara Dyer Series

3 books ~ YA, Fantasy, Romance ~ written by Michelle Hodkin

I’ll be honest, I first picked up this series because I loved the cover! Guilty! But I kept reading because of the interesting premise, and the characters. I have said in a previous post, that Noah Shaw is one of my book boyfriends! I love the world in this series, which is our world with some fantastical things happening. It kept me nervously and jumpily (is that a word? oh well…) on the edge of my seat, but I was still able to read it (me being a huge baby, this was a feat!). If you like contemporary fiction with some magic and suspense/mystery tossed in, as well as a good romance, this will be right up your ally!

Here is a list of the books in this series:

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

The Evolution of Mara Dyer

The Retribution of Mara Dyer


The Hunger Games Series

3 books ~ YA, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Dystopian ~ written by Suzanne Collins

I took a little while to jump on this bandwagon, but I’m so glad I did! I didn’t read the first one until the first movie was announced. I figured I would read the first book and then compare it to the movie, and so on as each movie came out. However, I read the first book, found out that it was amazing and incredibly addicting, and then ran to the store to buy the second and third so I could finish the series! I have always been a fan of Katniss, even when she makes stupid decisions and shows less emotion than a toothbrush. And I am Team Peeta all the way! Ooh…I should have made him one of my book boyfriends… If you like YA dystopian fantasy novels, grab this series now! 

Here is a list of the books in this series:

The Hunger Games

Catching Fire


Image via http://www.tashaalexander.com

Lady Emily Mystery Series

12 books (so far, plus novellas) ~ Mystery, Historical Fiction ~ written by Tasha Alexander

As a general rule, I’m not a huge mystery fan. My mom absolutely loves them (hey Mom!!), but I just never really got into them. This series changed that for me! If you have been following my blog, you will know that I love historical fiction, especially if it is set in England. This series is about Lady Emily, a lady high-born in Victorian society who chooses to use her incredible intellect and spunky, can-do attitude to solve mysteries. I want to be her when I grow up 🙂 Each book is set in a different area of the globe, as she travels solving murder mysteries for the Crown. I have learned so much about various countries’ histories since I started reading this series! If you like mysteries, historical fiction, and suspense, you will love this series! 

Here is a list of the books in this series:

And Only to Deceive

A Poisoned Season

A Fatal Waltz

Tears of Pearl

Dangerous to Know

A Crimson Warning

Death in the Floating City

Behind the Shattered Glass

The Counterfeit Heiress 

The Adventuress

A Terrible Beauty

Death in St. Petersburg

Images via This Is My Write blog

An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Series

5 books (plus a novella) ~ YA, Fairy tale, Fantasy ~ written by Chanda Hahn

I LOVE fairy tales!! Again, if you follow this blog, you know this already. When I first stumbled upon the Unfortunate Fairy Tale series, I was immediately intrigued by the premise of Mina Grime being a descendant of the Brothers Grimm, and that the Story is chasing her, trying to claim her as its victim if she cannot finish the fairy tales! Such a cool story arc!! I totally recommend this if you, like me, love a good fairy tale retelling! 

Here is a list of the books in this series:






Images via A Backwards Story blog

White Rabbit Chronicles

4 books (plus novellas) ~ YA, Fantasy, Romance, Zombies 🙂 ~ written by Gena Showalter

This series always seemed weird to me, and I really had no interest in picking it up. Then we were returning books at the store one day, and all of the books in this series came up as strips (books that have their covers stripped and are recycled rather than sent back to the publisher…) which the employees have dibs on before they head off to the recycling plant. So, I figured why not give them a try. So. Glad. I. Did!

Now, let me tell you, zombies are not generally my thing. I cannot watch The Walking Dead because it would give me nightmares. But, this series has enough teen romance and angst thrown in, as well as fun Alice in Wonderland references, to keep me completely hooked without also completely having nightmares 😉 Such a fun series. I recommend this if you like fantasy, romance and paranormal books. 

Here is a list of the books in this series:

Alice In Zombieland

Through the Zombie Glass

The Queen of Zombie Hearts

A Mad Zombie Party


Mark of the Lion Series

3 books ~ Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction ~ written by Francine Rivers

I discovered Francine Rivers through her amazing novel Redeeming Love. So, when I saw that she had a series on the beginnings of Christianity, and the earliest followers of Jesus, I snapped it up. Y’all. This series is soooooo good! Hadassah, a slave girl in ancient Rome, falls for a handsome, wealthy aristocrat who doesn’t believe in God. Simplified, she has to decide between her love for him, and her love for God. She is such an inspiration to me. If you love Christian fiction, with some romance and history thrown in, you will adore this series. 

Here is a list of the books in this series:

A Voice in the Wind

An Echo in the Darkness

As Sure as the Dawn


All Souls Trilogy

3 books ~ Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal ~ written by Deborah Harkness

This series was recommended to me by my dear friend, and fellow book nerd, Jessica, and I am so happy she did!! I talked about the time that Jessica and I both met Deborah Harkness in this post. Diana Bishop, the main character, comes from a long line of witchcraft, but wants nothing to do with it. Of course, magic and madness ensues, throwing her into a world filled with witches, vampires and daemons. The romance between Diana and Matthew is one of my favorites. I also love that this book includes fantasy, science, paranormal creatures, history…it is just so rich with detail. If you like books with a little bit of everything, get this series now!! 

Here is a list of the books in this series:

A Discovery of Witches

Shadow of Night

The Book of Life


What are your favorite series? Have you read any of the series I talked about here? What are your thoughts? Let me know down in the comments! 

Love and happy reading,

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24 thoughts on “8 Book Series That I Love

  1. I totally agree with your reasoning behind why series are absolutely the best. I love a fantasy series because you can just spend more and more time with the characters and the world.
    Anyway, I love Mara Dyer trilogy too! And, yup, I picked it up because- 1). Someone told me Noah is just one hell of a character and 2). The covers (!!). I loved how unreliable the characters were so you were on edge the whole time reading the books BUT you still loved them (and shipped Noah and Mara like crazy). Random fact but did you know if you line up Mara and Noah’s initials, the word MADNESS is formed? That blew my mind. Also, have you read The Becoming Of Noah Shaw, yet?

    Liked by 1 person

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  4. For the last 6 years now, my favourite series has been Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling series (now also called Psy-Changeling Trinity, because of developments in the timeline for “season two” ast he author calls it). Even though I’m not into romance books, this series has enough storyline that the romance and/or sex almost never overtakes the storyline or overshadows it. Her worldbuilding and character development is so good!! It’s always my most anticipated new release! (although Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega series are a close third and second.)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome. Her Guild Hunter series is also pretty good (I’ve only read a few of the most recent ones, so I’m still warming up to the series, or else I’d probably rate it higher). It’s also pretty popular. She also writes a bit of contemporary romance (though I know nothing about them. Well, almost nothing. Her newsletter occasionally mentions them.), and recently started into thrillers set in New Zealand, where she lives. They’ve received good reviews too. (Not my style though!)

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