The 20 Questions Tag

I was tagged to do the 20 Questions Tag by Nimika @ WordHaven. If you haven’t checked out their blog yet, head on over there right now! I’ll wait 🙂


So, without further ado, let the games begin!!

One: How many books are too many books in a series?

Hmm, I don’t really get daunted by long series. Hold up, let me add a caveat…I don’t get daunted by a long series IF I enjoy it! If it is a series I am just sort of so-so about, then I would like it to be around 5 books or less. Otherwise, it can be as long as it likes, really 🙂

Two: How do you feel about cliffhangers?

If I know there is going to be another book to follow the cliffhanger, I’m okay with it. If there isn’t going to be a continuation of the story…that gets under my skin a little bit.

Three: Hardback or paperback?

I do love the look of a beautiful hardback, but I like the ease of reading a paperback. If I really love a book and intend to keep it or make a collection of it, I will inevitably end up purchasing it in hardback, though.

Four: Favorite book?

I have said this many, many times (see here and here and here). My all time favorite book is Winter of Fire by Sherryl Jordan. It is, much to my dismay, out of print, but you can still find used copies of it around the internet.

Five: Least favorite book?

This is a toss up between Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. They are both just the worst.

Six: Love triangles, yes or no?

If it is well written, then yes! If it is extremely clear to every single person who the correct choice is, then no! The most recent example of a really well done love triangle that I have encountered is in The Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare (although I will say, I am team Will 😉 )

Seven: The most recent book you just couldn’t finish?

I think the most recent one I DNF was We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. It was a book club pick a few months ago, and I just was not feeling it.

Eight: A book you’re currently reading?

I am currently reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. Although, I will hopefully be finished with it by the time this post goes up!

Nine: Last book you recommended to someone?

I believe it was The Room on Rue Amélie by Kristin Harmel. You can see my review for it here.

Ten: Oldest book you’ve read (publication date)?

According to my Goodreads stats (come be my friend over there, by the way!), the oldest book I have read was A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, published in 1595.

Eleven: Newest book you’ve read (publication date)?

I believe it is The Room on Rue Amélie by Kristin Harmel. It was published on March 27, 2018. Go read it! It is seriously the best book I have read so far this year!

Twelve: Favorite author?

This is such a hard question! I usually go with Jane Austen because she is the absolute greatest, and I love all of her works 🙂

Thirteen: Buying books or borrowing books?

I work in a book store, so I am very pro buying books. I like to actually own the books I love too, so that I am able to pick up any book I want to reread at a moment’s notice. However, I also use the library app, Libby, to borrow audio books, as well as having a subscription to Kindle Unlimited. So, I guess I do a bit of both.

Fourteen: A book that you dislike that everyone else seems to love?

My most recent read that falls into this category is The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I just didn’t care for it much. You can read my review of it here.

Fifteen: Bookmarks or dog-ears?

Definitely bookmarks! I have quite a collection of cute bookmarks! The only time I ever dog-ear is in magazines.

Sixteen: A book you can always re-read?

Ooh, I can definitely re-read Pride and Prejudice, Winter of Fire, and any Harry Potter anytime!

Seventeen: Can you read while hearing music?

Only if it doesn’t have lyrics! If I don’t want to read in complete silence, I tend to put on movie soundtracks in the background. If there are lyrics, I always end up singing along!

Eighteen: One POV or Multiple POVs?

I’m really fine with either one! I think they can both be well done…or not well done haha

Nineteen: Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

It depends on the book. If I am super into the book, then I can read it in one sitting. If it is a little more of a struggle for me, it can take me up to a couple of weeks. Generally, I get through a book within 2-5 days.

Twenty: A book you’ve read because of the cover?

Oh, so many! I am very, very guilty of judging a book by it’s cover 😉


And…I tag YOU!! If you do the tag, please ping back to this post so I can see your answers too!

What are your thoughts? Do we have things in common? Do I have thoughts that you completely disagree with? Let me know down in the comments! (but be nice please; my poor little heart can’t take it if you’re mean!)


Love and happy reading,

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7 thoughts on “The 20 Questions Tag

  1. I also judge a book by its cover, but I think it’s a valid thing. :p I hope you enjoyed Quiet! That’s a book I’ve always wanted to read, but I always seem to have other things I need to read right away. I’ll make time for it some day soon. Great answers, this was a fun read!

    Liked by 1 person

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