Top Ten Tuesday: The First 10 Books My Daughter Randomly Grabbed from My Shelf

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s prompt was to choose the first 10 books that you randomly grab from your shelf. Then they suggest that you talk about whether you have read them, and if so, what you thought of them. I thought it would be fun to have my daughter (who is 6) pick 10 random books from my shelf while my back was turned. After some ominous crashing sounds ( 😂 😳) here were the 10 books she brought me!

Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: The First 10 Books My Daughter Randomly Grabbed from My Shelf”

Book Review: My Plain Jane


My Plain Jane (The Lady Janies #2) by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows ~ 450 pages ~ published 6/26/18 by HarperCollins

Goodreads Synopsis:

You may think you know the story. After a miserable childhood, penniless orphan Jane Eyre embarks on a new life as a governess at Thornfield Hall. There, she meets one dark, brooding Mr. Rochester. Despite their significant age gap (!) and his uneven temper (!!), they fall in love—and, Reader, she marries him. (!!!)

Or does she?
Continue reading “Book Review: My Plain Jane”

July Subscription Box: OwlCrate

It’s time for another monthly unboxing! I subscribe to OwlCrate, which is a subscription box for YA book lovers. It always has fun, bookish goodies, as well as a book that has been signed by the author. It also generally has an OwlCrate exclusive cover. Basically, if you love getting great new books and fun bookish things for your home/person, you should try out OwlCrate!

Continue reading “July Subscription Box: OwlCrate”