Updated: How To Read the Shadowhunter Chronicles + Mini Review: Chain of Gold

Hello everyone! Back in December 2018, I wrote the post this one is based off of, explaining how to read The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare. This is an amazing series, full of fascinating world-building and unforgettable characters. However, if you have never read them before, it is a bit daunting and can be confusing figuring out where to start. While all of the books are in the same world, they are broken down into several different series, all of which build off of each other.

Since my last post, there have been some more books added to the series, so I thought I would post an updated list. I also just finished reading the most recent addition to the world, Chain of Gold, so I will be giving you a mini review of that book (as well as a suggestion on what to read before it, if you are only interested in reading the newest book).

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How to Read The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare

This year, I finally discovered the Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, and my life has changed forever! 🙂 It is such an amazing world, and she is still expanding upon it, which boggles my mind and also makes me so happy! Getting started can be a bit daunting though. There are so many books, and it is kind of confusing trying to figure out what order you are supposed to read them in.

I decided, since I have finally completed all of the currently published books in the Shadowhunter Chronicles, that it would be a good idea to make a post that tells you how to read this incredible series.


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